During my weekend of pre-mature, virtual real estate hunting -- done in between my plethora of post-swine coughs and sniffles -- I stumbled upon this Pinapple Street studio in Brooklyn Heights. There's just something about that little sleeping loft that has me visiting this listing each day... And look at that wood floor! Can you imagine all the twirls and spins and attempts at dancing that could take place?! They don't call it a studio for nothing...
Anyone have a spare $365,000 on hand? ;-)
Monday, November 30, 2009
My Dream Studio
A creation of KR at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
On the topic of 20-something apartments...
In honor of today's impromptu decorating theme, I figured I'd share this wallpaper that I've been eying. I know wallpaper is kind of out-dated, but to me, nothing is worse than a bare wall (x2 if it's white. I'm no minimalist.) I'd use this paper to add some French Country flourish to the "spa" of my Brooklyn studio. My fingers are crossed for a July 1st move-in, so a toile-themed bathroom just might be in my not-so-distant future!
I know I'm getting ahead of myself... but window shopping ain't no crime!
A creation of KR at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Brooklyn, we go hard
A while back, I spied this nifty print map of Brooklyn, and have been on a mission to find the artist ever since. Thank-you, L.A. Times, for bringing me to the world of Ork Posters. A Chicago-based, one-woman company, Ork sells distorted maps of cities ranging from the Big Apple to LaLa Land. They're modern, marvelous, and perfect for adding a little extra frosting to a 20-something's studio apartment. Priced at about $22, the posters have the charm of "styled bedhead." What I mean is, the "my-hair-looks-like-I-just-hopped-out-of-bed" look seems effortlessly chic, despite the fact that we (meaning the fabulous few of us who are not soul-sold slaves to permanently straightened locks!) suffer curling iron wrist cramps and intentionally placed flyaways to achieve that tousled, who-the-heck-cares kind of coif charisma. Similarly, these posters are jumbled, messy, and generally mishmoshed -- but they're filled with such unique character, it's impossible not to find them Christmas list-worthy. For you Bostonians out there, the Beantown variety is particularly fabulous...
A creation of KR at 3:09 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving in numbers
10: The number of people in attendance at yesterday's Thanksgiving dinner
2: The number of heaping portions of stuffing that took over my plate
9: The number of hours of sleep my tryptophan coma blessed me with
14: The number of vegetable varieties that graced the table
25: The number of minutes spent talking about Jon Gosselin's shortcomings
10: The number of pages paper-writing I've got under my belt this weekend...
I hope your Thanksgivings were as delicious as mine was! I'm still full. Well, technically, that's a lie, but considering how much food I downed, I should be sated for the next seven years. I've got some massive assignments coming up in the next week, so a book-hitting night is in my future this evening. I can blow off some steam tomorrow, though! The ferocious RJ is turning a ripe 22, so we're celebrating his birth and heritage at Radegast Hall & Biergarten... though not before I scour the streets of Williamsburg for some vintage finds to add to my collection! Have a great weekend, everyone!
A creation of KR at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Ode to BL... and Running
"So, in my hardcore, regimented training for the ever so intense Thanksgiving day Turkey Trot, I was running ferociously through the concrete jungle of Brooklyn. I was dodging moving vehicles and pesky pedestrians until I graciously fell onto the sidewalk and landed on my ankle."
Luckily, that run-with-a-bad-ending was not a fixture of my afternoon yesterday. As much as I long for my attempts at jogging to encompass strides through the aforementioned "concrete jungle," I can barely handle attempting to look like a gazelle as I leap across campus for a quick 5k loop. (Okay, it's really more like 1.25K. But I'm getting there!) Sadly, though, the news of that sprained ankle belongs to my dear friend and fellow Turkey Trotter, BL. BL, a J. Crew aficionada who is a medical school student by day and Irish lassie by night, is buckets of fabulous, which makes her oh so deserving of a "Get Well" post. BL, I send you best wishes for a speedy recovery of your lateral collateral ligament of your left ankle joint. Woah -- look whose a med student now!
PS, The image pictured above is "The Gazelle," some infomercial excuse for an affordable at-home elliptical machine. I have to admit that I tried using it back in the day and have forever wanted one for my family's basement. I felt like I was flying! Though that probably also means that no toning, calorie-burning, or sculpting was taking place, either...
A creation of KR at 10:58 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
red, red, red
Ever since I purchased the perfect shade of pink lipstick, I've been on a new mission to stalk down a shade of red that screams "starlet," and not "streetwalker." Maybe it's all the Mad Men I've been watching lately, but I have a new appreciation for adding some extra punch to my pout. Lipstick always seemed a little too "old" for a college gal such as myself to sport, but I'm quite pleased with the effect a little extra oomph can have in the lip department, especially when you've got a paler complexion (I heart SPF!). With the holidays approaching, a little experimentation with crimson coloring might not be so bad, especially since I die over occasions that involve dressing and primping to the nines! Any suggestions on a shade of red that won't make me look straight out of Les Miserables? I hear M.A.C.'s Ruby Woo is top-notch...
A creation of KR at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Perks of Having Swine Flu, Edition 2
Despite Mamaduke's diagnosis of my condition as entirely non-swine, I'd still like to discuss some perks that come from a more generalized day spent without rising from bed. And by perks, I really mean a few general observations, finds, and whatever-isms that have brought me moderate semblances of sanity on this day of soup and sequestering. I was just trying to sound consistent with today's theme. :-)1. I've got a few fears in life: cats, mice, and dolphins (I know, I'm strange) currently top the list, but during my childhood, clowns and dogs were prominent figures that I avoided in the same fashion that my housemates are currently avoiding me (oh swine!). Clowns are still a bit sketchy, but I've grown to appreciate the euphoria that accompanies an adorable dog sitting on my lap. (I still experience heart palpitations when an enormous and slobbering ball of ungroomed fur encroaches my personal space, however.) The point of this bullet, though, is that I'd love to mother a little apricot or cinnamon red maltipoo some day. I will name her Daisy (after Long Island's fictitious princess, Daisy Buchanan) and pamper her with preppy doggy wear for her three-pound frame. Also, in my utopia, she won't experience any bodily functions beyond the occasional bark... ;-)
2. My shoe obsession is getting a little out of hand... As much as I should listen to the aforementioned Mamaduke about the fact that I literally have no space to accommodate my ever-growing collection of heels, flats, booties, and slippers, I can't help but fall victim to fabulously crafted footwear. So, in an attempt to save money while still accumulating a Carrie Bradshaw-approved collection, I turned to the mastermind behind dirt cheap shoes: Payless. I know. That place. The last time I set foot in the land of "BOGO" it was to relieve my
stiletto-scarred tootsies from a day of walking through Manhattan. (I was in such pain that I didn't even care about purchasing pink, slipper-esque flats to wear with a super chic pinstripe pencil skirt and matching suit jacket. I was a fashion "don't" to the max, but did not care in the least!) Anyhow, Project Runway's favorite tranny, Christian Siriano, designs a line for the retailer, and while I imagine the actual products to be uncomfortable and short-lived, some of the options are seriously cute! Plus, at a mere $35.00 each, who cares if they make a public appearance only once? While I normally despise (despise!) peep-toes, I'd channel the urban outfitter within and wear the left pair with brightly colored tights. The right pair, on the other hand, speaks for itself and showcases a look that just screams New Year's Eve. Of course, though, there are none in stock on the website -- and that's even more of a fashion crime than wearing slippers with a suit in the world's trendiest city.
3. Potential suitors (hahahahahhahahahahhaha...ha), please pay attention: I have found an engagement ring that I actually like! (Disclaimer: I am no where near the wedding stage of my life. I have a life to live and a non-studio apartment to buy before that happens, so give me 10 years or so. ha!) Anyhow, I've never been a huge fan of the glamorous left hand adornments. Princess cuts, cushion cuts, platinum settings, super-duper clarity... It's all as Greek to me as a life in which Legally Blonde is not watched on a fairly frequent basis. (Seriously. What a travesty!) I chalk my general dislike of engagement rings to the fact that I'm not much of a jewelery fiend to begin with. Also, I much prefer gold glitz to silver or platinum shininess. However, Harry Winston has changed my opinion of engagement bling with this ring. It probably costs the same amount as the killer apartment I'm buying some day, so it's a good thing I'm choosy... ;-)
A creation of KR at 8:11 PM 1 comments
The Perks of Having Swine Flu, Edition 1
Yes. I have indeed been hit with the dreaded H1N1. Oink, oink goes Miss KR. But let's be honest -- I'm not letting the global pandemic get me down. You see, there are really tons and tons of perks to swinging with the swine. Let's discuss:
1. I can lie in bed all day marathoning Mad Men, dreaming about how glamorous my life would be if I lived like Joan Holloway circa the '60s. Red lipstick, corsets, attractive advertising magnates, daily happy hours, jazz music... I would definitely fit in with the Madison Ave. gang at Sterling Cooper. This show is on. the. money.
2. My appetite is non-existent. Living solely on water and soup will neutralize the fact that I'll be eating my body weight in stuffing and sweet potatoes come Thursday... assuming the Swine is shaken by then. Itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka dot bikini here I come!
3. Technically, I'm quarantined, but I like to view this "sequestering" as a time of true pampering. When else in college do you have your meals delivered directly to your dorm room door?! The PC term is "Flu Buddy," but I'll allow my delirious swine state to convince me that I've got multiple personal assistants.
4. I've had loads of time to convert my favorite YouTube tunes and mash-ups to MP3s. Favorites include Anya Marina's cover of "Whatever You Like" and Usher and T-Swift's ancient-but-fabulous mash-up called "Club Love."
5. I get to rock a trendy face mask. I don't know what's more stylish: the hair net I wore while touring Easton's chocolate paradise, or this mouth-and-nose covering I'm forced to rock when leaving my quarantine to relieve my kidneys.
6. I can read this blog all day. This New Yorker can dress! Plus, she's a Brooklynite! Win-win.
7. I can amuse you with more PERKS OF HAVING SWINE FLU. Edition 2 is a work in progress. Stay tuned!
Cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle,
A creation of KR at 1:42 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
clever commercial
As a business major, I appreciate the value of a good commercial. This one is hard to avoid if you're a fan of (or perhaps victim to?) MTV challenges and VH1 Celebreality. GAP always pulls through during the Christmas season with a mass distributed way of reeling consumers into its holiday world of knit scarves and puffy vests. While I haven't shopped at GAP in a while, I'm tempted to grace it with my presence after watching this awesome promotion over and over.
NOTE: I am in no way, nor was I ever (ever!) a cheerleader. ;-)
A creation of KR at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
some flowers for thought
I'm definitely a multi-season kind of gal. Fall brings scarves, boots, foliage, and fashion week; winter sends snow, skiing, and Christmas trees; summer supplies sun, sand castles, and weekend get-aways; spring blooms with flowers. Despite the November date and Boston latitude, yesterday was completely reminiscent of spring here at Stonehill, and after looking at these pictures, I felt the bittersweet tinge of that fact that I've got a single spring left to experience the beauty of a blossom-covered Stonehill. (However, when blanketed in snow, it's just as pretty!) The weather really needs to start making up its mind... Regardless, the following pictures, taken on a weekend-getaway in Cape Cod's picturesque Harwichport, epitomize the wonders of warmer weather.
A creation of KR at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
now say [sp]aaaaaaaaa...
Remember that genius idea I had last Thursday? It involved me becoming the next Google by branding the KR name on a luxury spa that's only available in airports? Well, dear readers, that genius idea is so very been there, done that. An airport in Hong Kong and my very own JKF International are two of the nine airports featured in this airport spa review from InStyle. If your travel plans involve any of the highlighted hotspots, indulge during your next delay! Jetlag never looked so good!
Speaking of spas, though, I purchased a Groupon over the summer for a "day of bliss" at Spa Newbury on Boston's strip of luxury retail and real estate. If you're not a Groupon subscriber, do it now! Operating under "collective buying power," Groupon offers sa-weet deals in any and every consumer-pleasing area, which could come in especially useful as the holidays approach. For a mere $85, I will receive a legitimate day's worth of pampering: a facial, a massage, a pedicure, a mud wrap, a reflexology treatment... I feel like such a celeb! ;-)
A creation of KR at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I'm a model!
Well, not really. I'm too addicted to sushi rice, dark chocolate, and veal cutlets for that to ever happen. Plus, you already heard about the prom dress snafu caused by my "excess cushioning" in yesterday's post. (Side bar: It actually zipped, if you can believe it! Granted, however, the aggressive-yet-well-meaning DG had to physically yank me into said pink pouf.) Anyhow, back to my attempt at emulating Cindy Crawford, though without a strategically penciled-on mole. My Jersey Girl housemate, LR, is crafty to the max and recently started a blog of her own to promote her line of homemade headbands, "Ahead of the Trend." Clever, right? Her goodies are feathery, jeweled, wrapped in ribbon, and ready to wear. Her site is a definite work in progress, but please check it out, if only to see the locks of yours truly modeling a "pearly" version of LR's stylish artwork that would make even Blair Waldorf swoon, circa her Constance Billiard Queen Bee days.
A creation of KR at 11:28 PM 1 comments
The Week From Hades... and prom?
As the semester winds down, it's usually impossible to escape without a week from the devil's land. However, my collection of days spent alongside Lucifer is just about to end! After two exams, two papers, and tomorrow's final presentation, I'll no longer dabble with el diablo... until finals, at least. ;-) But since I like to keep it positive, let's talk about this presentation for a hot second! Encouraged by our professor to "have some fun" with our final project, my group is truly embodying the case we're presenting for Stonehill's Policy & Strategy Capstone Class. So what if the hour-long talk is a major chunk of our grade!? While presenting a formal SWOT analysis of Nintendo, Inc. tomorrow morning, I will be wearing my prom dress. That's right, my prom dress.
Pounds of poufy, pink tulle will make me the perfect Princess Peach as I hope for an A (+?) alongside my teammates. Well, it's not that poufy. I'd sooner die than emulate a cupcake. (It sure is pink, though!) The only issue is that a bit of extra... let's call it "cushioning" has graced Princess Peach's physique since her barely legal high school days. As a result, the extra "padding" makes the non-cupcake dress a bit of a chore to zip -- and therefore rock with the same snazz and pizazz that the Garden City Hotel experienced way back when having the wildest post-prom plans made you a high school celebrity. (I went to a comedy club, which was probably un-cool. Oh well.) Anyhow, please pardon my digression. The real deal here is that after years of eying the layers of satiny pink peak from behind other ancient garments I actually still wear (I can't part with my "classic" Bitten by SJP denim jacket...ha... but I'm really not kidding), I'm finally giving my prom dress a second go... and who can say that they've done that?
With love from Marioland (can you tell I'm not a gamer?),
A creation of KR at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Once I make it...
I've got some high hopes of leading a tres glam life upon graduation... or at least a few years after graduation, after roughing it in a studio apartment, instead of a Park Ave. penthouse, and after living on generic groceries, instead of designer produce from Trader Joes. Assuming my life goals come true and I hit the jackpot some day, there are three KEY items that will enter my life:1. The Burberry Trench Coat.
2. The Chanel bag.
3. The Urban Shoe Myth: Manolo Blahnik Mary Janes.
Ah, a gal can dream...
A creation of KR at 11:03 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
that. was. the. best. lunch. of. my. life.
...details will follow.
A creation of KR at 3:51 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
an airport muse
This marks the third airport muse of "The Prose of Krose." While my current situation isn't as bad as the time I was stranded in O'Hare for six hours en route to the Alamo, it's close enough. See, I've got this runny nose-cough thing, and all I want is some tea in front of the TV in preparation for tomorrow's big lunch. However, the New York Noreaster has prevented my 1:45 flight from making a timely departure. Despite the delay, my time spent people-watching has gotten me thinking about a few airport-related things:
1. Airports could benefit greatly from having manicure/pedicure stations alongside the news stands, or -- let's think big here! -- a full on spa beside the boarding terminals. As frustrations and tensions rise with each hour spent watching the time tick in cold, dreary airports, spa owners would ROLL in the dough of said frustrated passengers. I think this idea could make me the next Google, don't you think?
2. How do chainsmokers handle flying -- or worse -- delays? Trashy magazines and books can only go so far in distraction terms. I'm glad my addictions are limited to sushi, classic Billy Joel, and haggling.
3.Logan Airport has a homemade fudge shop. I succombed to the chocolate. Bad decision.
4.A toddler is shaking his tush to Shania Twain's "Man, I Feel Like A Woman." It makes waiting feel a little less painful
5. SCORE. See you in New York.
A creation of KR at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
ho ho ho
To me, Christmas music is playlist-acceptable any time after Halloween, which would therefore make a Christmas-themed blog perfectly seasonal from now until January 6th. As a result, I hope you all enjoy the ho ho ho-ness that will grace "The Prose of Krose" for the next few weeks. Anyhow, now that we've mentioned the musical miracle that is the Christmas tune, let's get down to business! It's not Christmas until I hear the following lucky seven songs:
1. New York City Christmas by Matchbox 20 is the perfect description of the most fabulous city's portrayal of Christmastime. I love nothing more than the Big Apple, decked in lights, garland, sales, sidewalk Santas, and Rockettes. The song's final exclamation for a "Merry New York Christmas" is extremely fitting, as Christmas in New York is unlike Christmas anywhere else.
2. All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey. Need I say more?
3. Gaudete by some classical composer (?). Back during my teenage years, I was a "Chamber Choir" nerd-ette. As the "elite" chorus group of my high school, we sang some pretty obscure songs. They were always in foreign languages -- from Latin to Russian Gibberish -- and written by "experimental" composers who blended harmonies that hurt the ears of those without college degrees in "Music Appreciation." In short, our parents, as the only members of the audience, usually dreaded attending the seasonal Christmas concert. "Can't you just sing 'Let it Snow,'" my dad would often ask. Anyways, Gaudete was the one and only operatic masterpiece of my high school singing career that I enjoyed singing during the Christmas concert. While my vocal praises have decreased considerably since voice lessons and choir practice came to a halt, I'll never stop belting showtunes in the shower, despite the dismay of my roommates and family members. ;-)
4. The 12 Days of Christmas by the Muppets is an R family favorite. A song full of as much tradition as there are members said family (a.k.a. a LOT), this song reminds me of a time when Christmas had a bit more magic -- in the form of a jolly belly, a red coat, and a white beard.
5. Christmas Shoes by Bob Carlisle makes me want to ball my eyes out for eternity... but I can't help but love it, despite the fact that I only listen to it once a season; that's all I can handle.
6. Jingle Bell Rock was Grandma's all-time favorite Christmas carol. The site of her dancing alongside her hip-swinging Santa was always a highlight of the holidays!
7. Oh Holy Night by Christina Aguilera proves this chick's vocal chops, while turning a classic tune into a rockstar version that I replay, and replay, and replay, and replay...
Stay tuned for a 2009 Christmas List post in the near future. It will be as unrealistic as it is fabulous. And also, I haven't forgotten about Thanksgiving: I already hear the early morning road race and post-run awards of stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, and cranberry calling my name!
A creation of KR at 2:51 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
the underrated blondie
While equipping Precious Pink (That's my iPod. Don't make fun.) with some new tunes for my evening run, I came across a few musical throwbacks. Ironically enough, they all involve the same blond, who, like the following songs, is somewhat of a figure of the past -- yet still totally amazing. That's right: Ashley Tisdale. Yet again, don't make fun; these songs never suffered the shame of a nose job gone wrong.
1. Bop to the Top. You know you all watched, loved, and replayed each installment of the High School Musical triolgy, so need I even ask you to not make fun? Anyways, each second of this 1:52 tune is as "fabulosa" as Senorita Sharpay exclaims in the opening. Run to it. Rave to it.
2. Shadows of the Night. Ever since the life-changing Rock of Ages re-defined my appreciation of 80s glam rock by way of Broadway, I've payed a lot more attention to Pat Benetar's creations. Ms. Tisdale's rendition of this hit is definitely rock star-worthy. I'm obsessed.
3. Kiss the Girl. While I can't say I go overly gaga for Disney, I certainly love the merits of each film's happy ending. Though this moment in The Little Mermaid is highly frustrating, the song is bananas, especially when sung by AT. The best part: there's no Scuttle screaming in the background!In other news, I've done a bit of shopping over the past few days! Though the mother hen squawked at it, I am now the proud owner of this delectably gold Michael Kors watch. It's chunky and men's wear-ey, which makes it perfect and "now." I also spotted this brown leather version by
way of my favorite fashion blog (I literally want to BE this girl!), and it just might have to make an appearance on my Christmas list. Nina Garcia always spoke of the merits of a men's watch -- and that chick's got some serious street cred in runway-land, despite getting booted from Elle to Marie Claire. Unfortunately, my lovely new gold friend has a scratch on her face already. Are glitches like that fixable? Help!
A creation of KR at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I'm a huge advocate of green. It's pink's perfect compliment. It's Christmas' signature color. It's the hue that escapes your wallet on payday. It's the shade of St. Patrick's day. Needless to say, I like to keep as much green in my life as possible. However, I'm on the fence regarding its most recent trend: nail color.
I'll admit it: I'm a chronic nail biter. As a result, I try to draw as little attention to my hands as possible. While I cherish each second of my monthly pedicure as though it's truly a heavenly experience, I never splurge for the hand-equivalent. However, as Chanel's Fall 2009 runway show proved, a minty green shade can actually spark some life back into stubby nails, such as my own. On the other hand, though, it's still green nail polish...
What are your thoughts on this trend?
A creation of KR at 10:59 PM 0 comments
a quick little tribute...
...to the p-units. I don't know many members of the college-parent crowd who have the chutzpah to make such convincing Halloween-ized replicas of John Lennon and Yoko Ono. The glasses! The flowers! The tie-dye! That's peace and love at its finest! If only I were there to witness this 1,000-word picture in person. Maybe it's time to retire the Ralph Lauren permanently, M and D. The flower-child look is hysterically becoming...
Also, I failed to mention in my Halloween re-cap that the wondrous hat atop my head on the 31st was custom product of "Yoko's" design and sewing skills. Despite your breaking up the Beatles, Ms. Ono, I extend my sincere thanks for your creative kindness, from Neverland to NY. ;-)
A creation of KR at 10:05 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
some spring break tidbits
Add a healthy dose of The Most Magical Place on Earth......with a scoop of the resort made popular by Mary-Kate and Ashley's straight-to-TV-but-should-have-been-a-blockbuster movie...
...with an attempt to find Nemo through some sexy snorkel goggles...
...with a sprinkling of relaxing, poolside afternoons...
...with a shot of neverending nights of disco dancing and casino cruising...
...upon this tricked out ship...
...and you've got the trusty recipe for my first REAL Spring Break! If only I could pull that whole bikini thing off like Marisa Miller. That would make things really perfect! T-minus 122 days until departure.... is that enough time to turn myself into a Victoria's Secret model?
I know. I'm laughing, too. If anyone wants to work his or her waistline by joining my new daily 8-Minute Abs club, though, new members are more than welcome... ;-)
Love and Skinny Girl Margaritas,
A creation of KR at 9:23 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Never, neverland
Despite flying off with Princess Tiger Lily to brave the sess pool of swine flu -- also known as the infamously infamous Stonehill College Halloween Mixer -- I escaped my final Halloween at the Hill completely unscathed, if you don't count the gash I gained when a biddy's stiletto punctured my poor foot. Ouch! Minor bruises aside, however, I enjoyed the day, rocking green leggings, a make-shift "lost boy" top, outrageous green booties, and a whole lot of swaggar. I even soared through the cafe circa dinnertime, decked to a T in my Peter Pan get-up. I hope your Halloweens were just as fabulous!
You can fly, you can fly, you can fly...
A creation of KR at 10:32 AM 0 comments